Thursday, September 20, 2007

notes from the Pink Sparkly Flower Files

I am tearing myself away from the groove going on in my kitchen to come write a blog.. actually can still hear it here, still grooving.. with a cup of hot cayenne lemon in hand.
I just got 6 cds yesterday from an amazing dj friend of mine ..and this is making me totally happy. Listening to Asian Dub Foundation right now.. cause its the 1 band that I know of.. and love!!!
ok.. it was a tough call this morning - to write about music, cause I am really into it right now. ..or world issues, cause they are surrounding me now also.. or random stuff from the 'pink sparkley files' .. well, you know how I love random stuff.. so here goes, Random Sparkley it is!!!

first gotta say I wish I could hand out copies of this cd to everyone to groove with me also!!! : )
(Thank you Thank you for the music!!!)

Phylox - people who live close to us, from another planet. (googled them but couldn't find anything - note to look into this)

I heard they are passing a law in China against reincarnation. (???) They stole or kidnapped a rimpoche in an effort to control who the next Dalai Lama is going to be. (wow)

A friend of mine is dating someone in China and he told me its against the law to meditate there. You are not allowed to close your eyes for long or anything. (wow again)

Matcha tea - Japanese green tea - usually expensive compared to other types. Used to flavour and dye foods.

Kuckicha twig tea - blend of green tea with creamy, nutty , slight rooibos flavour. One of the favorite teas of the macrobiotic diet. -powerful antioxidant, lowest in caffeine of most teas and said to be useful for inducing labour - just thought that was interesting. ; )

Mauby tea
- is a popular tea made in the Carribean. It has a distinct flavor that some say is like root beer. But has a bitter after taste and is an acquired taste.. but must not be too hard to acquire because it is very popular there.

Billy bee honey is just sugar - someone told me that they feed the bees sugar. This just seemed so sad and I'm not sure if this is true. (but its pasteurized anyway, so why go there?)

& someone else told me that Beef bouillon actually has no beef in it, that its vegan. (actually I checked a box of it for ingredients and it had beef something in it way down on the ingredient list after corn syrup, MSG, salt and lots of chemicals.)
I also heard that this is an ingredient in McDonalds fries.. (so they are not vegetarian - depending on the bouillon they use?? )

The trees on the corner where I wait for the bus are Catalpa trees. I just found out that I am living in a Boreal forest!!!
Ginkgo Bilobas are large, urban-tolerant shade trees - one of the oldest trees in the world, and they grow around here.

Luke's tea: Ginkgo ( from 2 trees
in High Park - 1 male and 1 female), dehydrated Ginger and Caraway.

ok, heres a good one - new to me - The best part of the banana is in the banana peel, you can scrape it, the inside part, with a spoon. Thats where all the potassium is and lots of minerals!

Something to look for - a black seaweed called Fatt Choy, also called chinese hair. I mentioned I was looking for a seaweed that I used to use, very mild - really good, but then couldn't find any more and this may be it.

Yoga mats - Manduka (available at Downward Dog), Maha mat and The Black Mat.

ok times up.. finishing this with a smoothie recipe someone gave me & I wrote down - but I haven't tried yet.
1 c quinoa- sprouted
2 c water
2 bananas
2 T honey
1/2 - 1 c blueberries

just came out with a new hemp protein powder with E3Live + maca in it - not shown yet on website but we have it in the cafe to experiment with. It would be good with banana & blueberries also.
She came in a couple days ago with Salty, her incredibly beautiful dog, who's raw also. I know a lot of raw dogs! Raw is amazing for dogs!! of course. : )

ok, thats it.. I am going to be at work on time today!!! : ) Love you.
Have a wonderful day! xo

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:33 PM

    I LOVE pink. What a beautiful shower of pink as I opened your blog.Thank you, thank you. A gift from the universe.

    I am going to try the smoothie.

