Sunday, August 19, 2007

Summit break - Tonya Zavasta, marinated shitakes & so much great food!

Tonya Zavasta is coming this Wednesday. Tickets are almost sold out.. I am so glad of that because I was worried when I got back from NB & realized that it had been hardly promoted at all.. we got right on that, let the raw food community know & within days the space is almost filled. I felt so bad when Tonya called before, yikes. But I am looking so forward to seeing her, she has an amazing energy on the phone.. bet she will be wonderful to see in person. & I really want to try the brush she has on her website.. the one available with the 2 creams (she said she'd give me one.. has presents.. yay, I love presents! ) & will get a brush & cream for my mom too.. and her new book sounds amazing.. Quantum Eating, not sure if it'll be available yet, but I know lots of people anxious to get a copy! me included.

(k, this might not make complete sense but I thought I would post Tonya on top.. I actually wrote this first, then I thought Tonya needed to be top billing! ..I'm going back to Rhio now.. )

Just a note.. got called away from listening to Rhio.. this one I keep getting interrupted for.. but I managed so many things today anyway.. Sawako is on her way back to Japan, drove her to the airport. We had a great day together yesterday.. we are so dangerous out shopping together!! ..bought lots of great things! What a long trip for just one week.. she will def be a Canadian one day!

I must be really needing mushrooms cause I took my Host Defense, blend of 17 medicinal mushrooms from New Chapter, which I haven't taken in a long time.. just an urge & then I bought organic Shitake's earlier, marinated them in garlic-chili flax oil, nama shoyu, garlic, cardamom, cumin, black pepper & cayenne , based on Mom's recipe.. and they were Soooo good. I was going to have them with dinner.. but I couldn't wait, kept picking at them & now they are all gone, the whole box!
..but thats ok, I know of something else great for dinner (tahini dressing & diced veggies in collard wrap) & the end of my sweet & sour neat balls, which are also so amazing.. I adapted the recipe from one in the Complete Book of Raw Foods.
O Tonya.. back up to the top (this is the blog that never ends, it just goes on & on my friends.. lol )
O wow.. k, outta here. . bbs!


  1. Anonymous8:00 PM

    Hi Princess
    So sorry I can't be there to see and hear Tonya Zavasta.... will depend on you for a full report.
    My dinner of herb-encrusted mushrooms was absolutely the BEST EVER ! My friend, Hazel said this dinner is what the queen would order and a couple hours later she was still raving about it.... and the dessert was quite awesome too..... Peach Nectarine Blueberry Cobbler
    Thanks for your blog and all the info I glean from you

    Love and big hugs Mum

  2. Of course, you know I will have the full report.. but hopefully it will be from the lecture and not from the kitchen.. sometimes I get pulled behind the scenes and miss the talk.. but behind the scenes is usually just as fun & interesting!! I will be where the action is.. yk that! : )

    So glad your dinner turned out well.. Mom is turning on her non-raw friends to raw and they are all loving it.. and she is busy visualizing raw pot-lucks even though she knows no one else raw there.. but her friends are liking the idea.. hope you don't mind me sharing your plans/thoughts. I think its a wonderful idea. Great way to spread awareness. !!!
    Big Hugs, xox!
    Have the best day ever!
