Saturday, August 18, 2007

Raw Summit - Happy Oasis - Part 1

I am posting again on the raw summit..but I have to add a short note here to let you know I am bursting with information and so many interesting things going on in my on life also.. which I will hold till after, because I can only write so much.. and I must say that I was overwhelmed last night listening to Happy Oasis & just have to write down at least the most important things she said. All of those other things I have on my mind will have to wait until I finally get around to posting about them.. I am saving most now in the pink *sparkly flower* files. - This is my special book from Japan, special gift from Sawako who is here visiting but only until today.. I have seen her almost every day, we missed one.
& just wanted to say a personal hi to you.. anyone reading.. but, ok, now I will get on with it.. this is an especially great one. I didn't know who Happy Oasis was before this.. and this is a podcast that particularly humbled me & honoured me to hear, to get to know , or know about her..

Happy Oasis is the founder, president and chief visionary officer of the annual Raw Spirit Festival, which is the largest raw, vegan, organic, ecological, world peace festival in the world.

She has spent much of her life traveling all over the world and over a decade living with (& was adopted by) tribal societies and learning their lifestyles and healing methods. The telecast last night as filled - overwhelmingly by stories of her adventures. I will retell a few of her stories as time permits..

One of the things she learned from yogis who lived high in the Himalayas was about the power of water, which was their primary medicine. Any part of the body diseased, or for an insect bite or cut they would put it under the coldest bubbly water for as long as they could stand it, several times a day. Free water cleans the body mind and spirit. It is esp powerful at sunrise and sunset. She practices baptism every morning and evening.
Watching the sunrise is an important spiritual practice. Many tribal people she lived with did this every day. Seagulls face chest to the sun at every sunset, it adds warmth and solar radiation to the body. Soul food. Soul = sun. A person with soul has a lot of sunshine in their hearts.

Sleeping al fresco on the Earth is also healing - to feel the magnetic radiation, the love and the rhythms of the Earth. To naturally bed ourselves down and get into the rhythm of nature and the birds who think a lot less than us but feel a lot more. Important to embrace the night and the darkness - revere and commune with the starlight. Starlight could be our most overlooked nutritional deficiency. When you sleep on the Mother Earth it feels like you are sleeping with a Mother, a living breathing mother.
Also important is to commune with the soil under our feet. And to grow and eat wild plants - even sprouting we can do anywhere.

Breathing is so important, to breathe the day and night, the seasons, the spring, to be aware of the breath. The inhale is different from the exhale, you think different thoughts with each one, which each have a different speed, different color.
We are all Breatharians.. we just snack on food.

The Kozi of Bangladesh, when they greeted her, they all sat in a circle with her & no one spoke for hours, they all just stared and gazed and got to know each other, soul to soul.

Certain cultures will pray for hours of the day.
In the West when we pray we want something. In the East she describes it as a dog-like devotion to loving kindness, to service, a vast appreciation to being and to creation- & the singing. These people are tunes into the birds and creation. The birds never miss a sunrise, they are always chanting.This devoted feeling is the non-material feeling of bliss.
She holds a feeling of sacredness, which is not seriousness, it's joyful, a deep reverence and a wonder, an awe, a feeling of gladness - a feeling of joy and celebration to start and end each day with.

In the morning she often wakes up before sunrise.She says good night & good morning to the stars. And in the morning she plays a game with herself, she lives in the wilderness and she will run for miles every morning, never taking the same path twice and she goes swimming in the most pure pristine water that she can drink while she swims. This is a very holy feeling which makes her feel so happy. She collects her breakfast in the wild and comes home and starts work at 9. For breakfast she had fresh oak leaves with yarrow (great for the liver). For lunch she went to her garden and had parsley, arugula, dock, purslane, clover, chard.
"How could anyone be less than happy with this lifestyle?" she asks.

She advocates low fruits and high levels of dark, leafy greens.
Part of the raw vegan diet is fasting. She used to fast on Fridays but now she goes more on a monthly cycle. The yogis and rishis fast on the new moon and at the full moon and 4 days before each, 4 days a month total. Some people do not eat or drink anything, others water, or water & lemon and some if overweight & on cooked foods could eat raw foods for those days.

She has a book - that I want to get now - (am a book addict lately, bought 4 this week!) called Bliss Conscious Communication. She has over 100 blissiplines (ways-activities to bliss) outlined in this book. She says there is a certain discipline to joy - it is not a given but a lifestyle we create.

This is to be continued, Part 2 coming soon.. I have to go get ready for work..
& I am inspired to go pick green leafy things from my backyard to put into a green smoothie.
Doesn't she remind you of Anastasia??!!! What a beautiful life..I want to go visit her retreat!
Have a wonderful day! ~HuGs~
& if you get a chance & have 1 hour today go listen to her podcast!


  1. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Thank you so much for this review! I had not listened to her tape, but after I read your review, I immediately went to listen. I think it was the best so far! I am ordering the book too! :-) I want to go live at the Happy Oasis Retreat out in the dessert!

    I can't wait to see what's in your pink sparkly folder!

    Big Sparkly Hugs and a Thousand Thanks!

  2. Thanks Connie, .. my mom read this & said the same thing. She went & listened to the podcast & then she e-mailed about the books.
    I was so inspired by her & am so glad you enjoyed it also!
    I would love to go to the retreat also.. hey, check this out!
    2 rooms, want to go?
    ; ) *Big Sparkly Hugs* back

  3. Wow! Thank you for this amazingly beautiful and inspiring post--I'm going outside to breathe in some of the cool re-fresh-ing air down by the river. Breathing with the trees, everything's so green and lovely...

  4. Hi Mary Kaye.. I just went to your site, it looks beautiful! & thank you for the great compliment you posted.. that means a lot! I love your site.. am bookmarking it & will check it out more tonight.
    Hugs, so nice to meet you!! x
