Thursday, August 23, 2007

Have a Beautiful Day!

I am having a slow morning.. have less time than usual so did a bit of web surfing.. I feel almost overwhelmed at how much raw information there is on the web, seems like every time I get online & look around there is more & more.. not that I didn't predict that ages ago.. of course it makes so much sense that people want to share their good fortune at actually finding something that works (this raw lifestyle) .. me included! I just found a couple new sites and things I want to share and Tonya last night was soooo amazing!
Tomorrow I will come & post notes about her. But I am running on only a few hours sleep right now & have to head out to work. It looks like rain - prob thunder showers.. I think its a perfect time now for a Superfood Bowl of Bliss (: ) I just made that up) will share the recipe with you later of this uplifting, energizing, intoxicating bowl of stuff. I have been eating it for breakfast for the past 3 days.. I told Zara yesterday that it makes you see butterflies and sparkles and things like that.. and gave her a dreamy look.. and wow.. she just looked at me wide eyed & said she wasn't sure of she wanted to see things like that while at work.. LOL Shes a cooked foodist & I think she is a little awed sometimes at the whole raw food thing.. but shes getting it slowly.. probably even by osmosis. (remember Mom what Diana said? .. "You guys are addictive!" lol)

Oh & I had Tonya's Pudding this morning.. she made it for everyone last night.. just mango & pea sprouts .. you could use another green, if you don't have those.. but think you need a high-speed blender. & she doesn't use water.. just mashes it down with the plunger that comes with the vita-mix. My Blend-Tek doesn't have one.. I had to add a bit of water. Everyone was amazed how good it was.. way better than it sounds.. or looked. so many people came up to me to see what was in it & to buy the sprouts to make it at home.

Oh, I wasn't going to post.. just leave pretty pictures..
I am so overwhelmed with so many things I could write about.. it happens sometimes. Soon.
Have a wonderous & very special day!
See beauty, appreciate beauty, create beauty, be beauty and have the most beautiful day ever!!!


  1. Anonymous8:43 AM

    It was great meeting with you yesterday. Hope to see you again soon. Loved Tonya's workshop. Will put up some info on my blog as well.

    Thank you for the beautiful pictures. I am having the most beautiful day ever :)


  2. Anonymous2:42 PM

    2nd picture, is that where you park your rawketship?

  3. Hi Fatma!
    Great meeting you also. I thought I could access your blog by clicking on your name. (Often works - maybe only if you are on blogger) Please send it to me.. I would love to see it.

    Connie, Yep, you got it!! ; )

    Hope you both have a wonderfully spectacular day! Love!!
