Saturday, August 25, 2007

Carioca night , Ayhuasca - getting ready and the most amazing Sorrel Chia Tea ever!

Good Morning! I had planned on getting up early to post about Tonya's lecture Wed eve.. it was so great ..but I've just had so much going on & it takes time.. so one day next week we will have a Tonya day.
Right now I am getting ready to leave for my Carioca night - Ayhuasca ceremony ritual thing I am doing tonight and I thought I would come here & look it up quickly. My friend yesterday asked if I looked it up & I haven't really yet. Heard stories, lots of stories. I am excited, a little nervous, but over-all really looking forward to it. Ayhuasca Basics here.

It is taking place somewhere up north 1 1/2 hours out of the city, somewhere in the forest.. I think. Mi-San has the details.
Everyone wears white. I just had my sewing machine out.. but its not working, Ahhh.. cause I just found the most gorgeous white skirt I thought I had lost, its all layered and lacish.. I have it fixed with a couple of safety pins, it works. & I bought another, a white wrap.. really, really nice too.. Ah, choices. & 3 tank tops to pick from, 2 white sweaters.. I am just bringing it all LOL
I love clothes!

& we are supposed to fast today.. or at least eat lightly. There is a list of certain foods that we def shouldn't have. Most of them I wouldn't eat anyway, meat, dairy, caffeine.. but also some other things like ripe bananas.. Mi-San has the list. Yesterday I hardly ate, which is rare but I think I had this on my mind & know day 1 fasting is hard. Yesterday I had the Superfood Bowl of Bliss and the some cantaloupe later.. In the afternoon I visited my Chocosol friends - Graham & Matieu - had Sawako Snow samples, small juice - freshest, organic produce hand cranked with the highest vibe, greatest energy ever!
& then an amazing drink that totally would rival my memories of the best Kool-Aid flavour concoction I ever had as a kid. It was the coolest drink I think I have ever had.
& that was it.. I was a little hungry later but just got my mind on other things.

How to make Graham's Sorrel Chia Tea:
Steep Sorrel and cinnamon sticks in a big clay pot overnight. You can use room temp water or water just hot enough not to burn your hand. In the morning soak chia seeds. I think Mattieu said 1/2 c per 1 liter. ..but I will experiment one day & come revise if necessary. Strain Sorrel (Jamaica flowers) and cinnamon. Add chia and sweeten with honey (or agave).
It tastes amazing and the texture is so cool!!

k. I am out of here in less than an hour.. really better get going. still have to pack!
Much Love!


  1. Anonymous12:39 PM

    You will be having the best time ever.

    Thank you SOOO much for linking to my blog. I have yours linked too.

    Did you see more butterflies? :)


  2. Hi Robin!
    I had that Graham's sorrel chia tea last week! I love it!
    In summer, it's definitely my favorite drink!!!
    I got sorrel tea and chia from Chocosol. And I'm making it everyday! It's so refreshing...=)
    And I have raw honey as well!

    Good luck with your Carioca night!
    I look forward to hearing about it.


  3. Anonymous10:13 AM

    I just researched this ceremony on the internet and CANNOT wait to hear your story! Lucky Girl!

  4. Thank you Fatma, Sawako, Connie!!!
    You being here & caring and all your wonderful thoughts mean a lot to me. I appreciate each of you LOTS!

    yes, Fatma, lots more butterflies! : ) Saw your post on Tonya.. will mention it tomorrow.

    Have a wonderful day! Hugs!!!
