Tuesday, April 17, 2007

The Transition - Tips on going raw

My new friend Caroline has a blog www.30dayrawchallenge.blogspot.com which I am trying to post to. However, the dashboard keeps sending me back home, to rawketscience. ..so, I will post it here.

I was thinking of your transition period coming up.. only 2 weeks away and wanted to post a few strategies. I have written a few tips on the raw challenge page of my website .. but have thought of a few others as well:

Looks like you are doing great at getting recipes down - Having at least 3 basic recipes is a great idea. A nut/seed pate is a good one, it is filling and it's versatile - you can use it in a wrap, on crackers, or just a large spoonful on the side with a salad.

Learn how to make green smoothies for sure! They are such a quick fix, I have one in the morning but they are also great for when you get in from being out for awhile, or from work and are starving.. thats the danger zone - it's easy to throw everything in a blender and instant meal, or pre-meal fix.
Pre-think where you might be fall back to cooked: often its either you are starving and can't think of anything quick & filling that is raw and grab something which you are used to and know, or it's a craving for something - often sweet or salty (junk food).
Think about what your weakness might be. Then have a strategy. When I first went raw & was craving something salty (like chips) I found chopped cashews in a small bowl with a bit of sesame oil drizzled over & Celtic salt grinded on top did the trick. I would eat it out of a bowl with a spoon.. & it didn't take much to satisfy the cravings. For sweet, like a chocolate bar - try ground cacao & honey - then add your optional favorite things: a spoon of (raw) almond butter, goji berries, coconut, etc.

(I've grown up a bit with this & had a bowl this aft with camu camu, reishi, cordyceps, gojis, maca - but there's lots of time for all that later ; )

Caroline, it's great you have a dehydrater - good asset. I would have crackers and granola for sure..and maybe some pizza crust would be a good idea also. I go through phases with eating dehydrated foods - but they are definitely great on the beginning, are more filling.

Having a container of raw trail mix is good - bring a container or bag with you for a snack whenever, also good for when you come in hungry. Raw nuts - almonds, hazelnuts, pistachios, cashews, seeds - pumpkin & sunflower, raisins, gojis, coconut, dried cranberries or cherries. I tend to put in more seeds than nuts - just think it's a healthier choice. Of course now I am more apt to have cacao & gojis as my base.

You have one of the most helpful things already - support! One of the hardest things I think is when you are doing it alone and it seems sometimes like the rest of the world is against you. All the media (& in many cases, even family) is telling you you are wrong to not be going with the flow. Everyone wants you to be a sheep - it seems safer and also I have found that changing can put pressure on others to change - and many people just don't want that. But thats another topic!

Invest in books on the raw lifestyle which inspire you. It's money well spent. There is so much info on the net also.. but soon you will discover there are many types of rawfoodists.. many saying their way is THE way. Follow your heart. & remember that even though they differ and have different ideas they are almost all eating at least 90% better than most of the people out there.

Happiness & feeling good is top priority and what it is really all about. If you fall off the wagon don't feel bad about it, just eat whatever it is you are craving and then just get back on board. That being said -here's one last strategy. Why don't you try to make a deal with yourself that if you decide to go at some point in the month for something cooked/processed that you give yourself 5 minutes to think it through before eating it. If within that 5 minutes you decide on getting something raw all the better.. if you don't, you have at least made a conscious decision ( not just a sub-conscious not-thinking thing you will feel bad about after). At this point eat it guilt free. With this strategy, most times you will not bother by the time 5 minutes is up and if you do by then, it is something you really want & can often satisfy the urge with a much smaller portion. ..and by allowing yourself you will not feel like you have deprived yourself. Deprivation is never good. Eat raw because it is the best choice for yourself.. it is superior in every way once you get used to it.. it's easier, tastes better, it's better for you, better for the planet.. everything!



  1. Your awesome!!! this is so much amazing info!!! I am going to add the link right now. I already know this is going to be easy peasy!!! Am going to be picking up my dehydrator tonight :) any suggestions on beginner recipes!

    xo carolina

  2. Thanks for all the info! Good to break it down like that.

  3. Thanks Caroline, Thanks Carla. : )

    Caroline - I have posted a few dehydrated recipes. I really like the flax cracker recipe I posted on here awhile back ..and the granola recipe. Sorry I forget the dates. & there is a recipe for flatbread-pizza crust in the recipe section of the website.
    But if you have anything else in particular you are looking for just let me know.

    Have a most fantastic day!!!
