Thursday, April 12, 2007

Total Health Show, Victoria Boutenko, LIve, Nujima

Did you ever see Ferris Beuller's day off? Where they did almost everything in one day. I felt kind of like that yesterday. Mom is here visiting until Monday. She's here mainly for the Total Health Show this weekend.

I called her as soon as I heard Victoria Boutenko was coming, which I heard early - as she called at work to speak with Marie (she's going to be speaking at Toronto Sprouts, April 19th - Yay). And she is one of Mom's favorite raw foodists. She & her family have put out a few books, all really good. But one in particular is phenomenal - Green for Life. An easy read on the power of greens to heal your body.. and a lot of on green smoothies, which Mom & I pretty well live on.

So I painted - my favorite flower so far! Mom baked - which is really just wrong & my major issue in life these days - that I cook for my family but don't eat it myself. -but what do you do when your kids are teenagers-adults and then you go and change your whole lifestyle and way of eating. My solution is to inspire by example - not insist on changing them, but hope that they will eventually change themselves - and it slowly seems to be working. They seem to eat a lot more raw. Dylan often makes salads, and they all eat a lot of fruit ..and they are realizing that raw desserts are just amazing! Kaiyas getting more & more into it.. she ate most of my pizza, from Live last night (w/ marinated fennel & red pepper! Mmmm)

Mom & I ate there yesterday:

It was so good! We ordered one of almost everything, and some to take some home.

I have to rush to work, early today. We have a class of students taking a nutrition class coming in - 25 for a talk & lunch, lots to prep.

Oh, one last thing. ..but certainly not least!

James has said he will find us raw almonds if California is out (pasteurizing their raw almonds)

He has a really great, high-quality product line - Nujima Living foods:

..and I may be working at his booth for awhile during the Total Health Show. : )

Have a spectacularly fantastic day!

That looks like an interesting blog: Treehouses, Cocoa, Unicycling, Woodworking, Photography - cool! ..what a combo.

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