Monday, April 02, 2007

Taco Salad Wrap

Lately I have been eating a lot of wraps. That often happens when I buy collards as the bunch has 7 or 8 big leaves. (Although they are great in green smoothies also, but..) I finished the last one this weekend with something new. My intention was to have a taco salad for dinner & then I decided to put some of the salad in the collard leaf. I layered with some cedar (pine) nuts, my taco dressing, crushed up corn chips –I have lots, have been experimenting, spicy (or any) flax crackers would work also. Then I topped with some salsa I just made and wrapped up and ate. It was great.

I have the rest of the salad the way I usually do. It’s a tossed salad – which incidentally always seems to have iceberg lettuce, which I rarely eat – least nutritional, but this salad is less about nutrition as it is taste & texture. Top the salad with dressing, mix, then add crushed up corn chips and salsa. Optional is the crushed pine nuts mixed with nutritional yeast & salt & spices, .. gives a sort of cheesy taste.

Taco Dressing

2T almond butter
½ lemon squeezed
1 T hemp oil
1T water
½ T agave
1 t Mexican (taco) seasoning
½ t salt

Mix together in a bowl.


4 tomatoes
1 onion
½ red pepper
3T celery leaves (I usually just chop down a bit from top of stalk)
Cilantro – to taste
1-2 garlic cloves
1 jalapeno
½ T vinegar (or lemon squeezed)
1 t salt
½ t chili & onion powder

Sometimes I chop up ½ of the tomatoes, red pepper & onion and process the rest. Last night I put them all in the food processor, but pulse chopped some of the ingredients and finely blended the rest. Blend all together in a bowl. & Enjoy!


  1. Hi Robin how are you? This is Carolina. I was in Toronto Sprouts last thursday with my friend Janis, we bought seeds for sprouting and you were amazing and talked to me about being raw. I just wanted to let you know that I am loving your blog and thank you so much for taking the time to talk to me, you've inspired me!

    Talk to you soon!


  2. Hey Carolina, So glad to hear from you. Was great meeting you .. best wishes on your raw journey.. its very exciting.
    Hopefully I'll c u again soon! : )

  3. Not sure if you will still be there Wed evening, am coming to take a sprouting class :). Am learning alot just from your blog and am researching like crazy as well. Looking forward to your website being done.

    I would love to keep in touch, you are truly and inspiration :).

    talk to you soon!

  4. Carolina, I am not going to be there Wed evening. My Mom is coming from NB on Monday & I have taken a few days off.. for sure wed & fri. But I am usually there every day except Mondays.

    Simon is giving the class in Wed. He's great, I really like him a lot. Enjoy it. & we will coro via e-mail now. Have a great day!
