Friday, March 09, 2007

Building community and transitions

"I am in the world to change the world.
~ Kathe Kollwitz

ChocoSol will be leaving 720 Bathurst and relocating by the end of April, which I am finding fairly tragic because I will miss them so much.. and because they built and brought such a wonderful community of people together in our space. They considerably helped to make our workplace the dynamic and fun place to work in it is. Transitions abound. Sawako is leaving in 5 days, going back to Japan.. I am going to miss her sooooo much! The weather is the best transition from -20, crazy deepfreeze temps to all +’s for the next week.. yes! ..and this crazy Master Cleanse is ½ way through today… decided 14 days is enough. I miss eating. ..not that I feel hungry, I don’t and I have lots of energy.. this is great, feel really clear & everything, but I miss food. & chocolate! ; )

‘How to build a community’ makes me think of Michael (Dr. Sacco of ChcocSol) as he is one of the world’s finest local & global community builders!

How to Build a Community

turn off your tv * leave your house

know your neighbors

look up when you are walking

greet people * sit on your stoop

plant flowers

use your library * play together

buy from local merchants

share what you have

help a lost dog

take children to the park

garden together

support neighbourhood schools

fix it even if you didn't break it

have pot lucks * honor elders

pick up litter * read stories aloud

dance in the street

talk to the mail carrier

listen to the birds * put up a swing

help someone carry something heavy

barter for your goods

start a tradition * ask a question

hire young people for odd jobs

organize a block party

bake extra and share

ask for help when you need it

open your shades * sing together

share your skills

take back the night

turn up the music

turn down the music

listen before you react to anger

mediate a conflict

seek to understand
learn from new and
uncomfortable angles

know that no one is silent
though many are not heard
work to change this

Text by

Pic from

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