Friday, March 16, 2007

April Star, Alissa Cohen course and Living on Live Food

Last night there was a Raw Living Foods Chef certification course – an Alissa Cohen course given by April Star, her website:

I really enjoyed it & feel very motivated to ..well, just to eat again.

The things I liked most about her course were:

- the selection of recipes. 7 recipes, all very basic, easy to make and delicious varying from kale salad, tuna pate, nori and collard wraps with guacamole and mango salsa ..and incredible deserts. I learned a new way to make ice cream with the food processor and her chocolate mousse was incredible.. ok, ok so I broke the fast for a bit.. couldn’t resist trying the desserts, and no, I don’t feel a bit guilty! (but yes, I am back to the lemon drink this morning.. finally, day 14!)

- She was open & honest. If she didn’t know something she admitted it & offered to find out the information. I respect that. ..& open in that she shared a lot about her own health challenges and experiences. She said she believed that almost everyone should see a colon therapist on their healing journey, & highly advocates colonics. Good.. I have an appt. for one in an hour.

- She recognized and told everyone that they would need to find their own path on the raw journey. (Many people teach that there is only one right way to go raw) Where I work I hear of a lot of peoples journeys, transitions and lifestyles in raw living. There are as many types and ways of being raw & incorporating or delving into being raw as there are types of people. Everyone has a different background, coming from a different place with different body types, different health conditions and challenges.

I am so excited about my new raw book. I bought Alissa Cohen's Living on Live Food. April calls it her raw bible. Its huge, and seems very comprehensive with lots of info and esp, the best part, lots of great recipes! : )


  1. Robin...just wanted to share with you my morning.....saw white stringy stuff in the toilet after doing daikon in my juice most of the week. Supposedly parasites? Not sure.
    Saw something much better last night. I drive down a small,back road and there was a beautiful male, ring necked pheasant standing dazed in the road. I stopped and put it in my car as I was so worried someone would run over it. Took it to the Humane Soc., decided it was recovering just fine, so took it back to where I'd found it and let it go in the brush. By then it was acting and looking fine. Such an honor to have encountered this lovely bird! Alessandra

  2. Hi Alessandra, I told a friend who is doing a parasite cleanse about the daikon juice & I will def keep it in mind when I start one. I am just so happy to be eating again after the master cleanse I just finished!! more cleanses for a bit for me.
    Nice work on taking care of the pheasant.. cool stary, thanks for sharing it.
    : )
