Friday, February 09, 2007

Your Life as Art, Your Life is a Dream

"Everything — but everything — on Earth, every blade of grass, every insect, has been created for Man" ~ Anastasia

I received this amazing little package from my Mom a couple days ago. It had essential oils (Young Living) & cedar nuts from Russia

I loved these but told her that my favorite part of the package was probably the hand-written letter enclosed. There were lots of great thoughts, Mom is awesome. She wrote a paragraph from her new book “Your Life as Art’ by Robert Fritz. It had just arrived in the mail the day she was writing the letter.

“Often the arts and sciences remain as a legacy while everything else is forgotten. We don’t think too much about napoleon but we still listen to Beethoven because he was able to reach something higher and more lasting. Not many beyond the lofty halls of historians think of the impact of Queen Elizabeth the 1st, but Shakespeare is still a force to be reckoned with both as a playwright whose plays are always in production and as a thinker whose words are still quoted, studied and treasured.
You can create your life the way art is made. From this you can reach new and better possibilities. Your life can grow to the quality and scope of the greatest art.”

This reminds me of something I read .. A website where I have been spending a lot of my quality computer time lately.

This is one of the most beautiful and inspirational websites! ..and I just noticed, just today she has added a prayer – Reflection for Radiant living – you can subscribe to get them sent to you. Beautiful! But this is the part I was thinking of:

“You have this moment to create your dreams. Your life is a dream. It contains everything. What is your heart's calling? Follow this and you follow the sacredness of life - God. Do you want to live on a mat in the wilderness, shower outdoors, walk as quietly as a deer, & teach sustainability & farming to like-minded souls, or do you want to live in a warehouse filled with echoes & chefs d'oeuvres of painstaking effort & infinite beauty? Do you want to eat only raw organic fruits & vegetables that you grew yourself, or do you prefer fried fish and beers with the boys on Friday nights? We are all unique, & there is a season for everything. Surrender everything to God, to the beauty of life, and follow your heart. Therein shall begin your path toward Beauty. xo.”

Thank you for all the inspiration. Inspire and be inspired.. Live a beautiful life! : )

pic from www.agpix. com

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