Tuesday, January 23, 2007

new cd, new power - sublime seas and red begonias

Be not the slave of your own past. Plunge into the sublime seas, dive deep and swim far, so you shall come back with self-respect, with new power, with an advanced experience that shall explain and overlook the old.~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

I listened to the cd I ordered from http://www.successultranow.com/ yesterday.. I loved listening to it. ..so much I listened to it again a few hours later before I went to bed. So peaceful & a great inner journey!

& you can sign up to get daily e-mails from that website.. this was yesterdays:

SUN Magical Inspiration for Jan 22, 2006

The single most critical factor in the healing process is the identification with one’s True Self. The shift away from the habitual, fearful, often compulsive, neurotic drive of the shadowy ego into the original, eternal light and love of the soul is the great key to unlocking the treasure chest of the magic that you are. The discovery of the authentic beauty of I is the most important journey you will ever undertake. The attitude which fosters constant health is a wonder-love-gratitude attitude. By living from the heart in a constant state of simple adoration and awe of the infinite wonder of life, we automatically resonate with a quality of being which inspires and magnetizes a magical, natural goodness into our lives. By living in the subtle feeling experience of at-onement with The One Love which fuels every particle of the sub-atomic world, we automatically return to the underlying state of balanced perfection that we eternally are.

I am experimenting with flax crackers, the first recipe from Sunday is great.. but I am seeing of I can outdo it with a new batch on Monday. I will test tomorrow when they are one and post the recipe winner soon.

Flower painting #1 was successful.. red begonias. : ) 24”x24” is perfect , not too overwhelming, just right for a weekend.

Pic from http://www.ceraunavolta.us/events/events.php?event_number=022

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