Thursday, December 07, 2006


It’s interesting how some things people say don’t sink in. Sometimes at all, but sometimes we are so caught up into our habits and ways it’s hard to take what they say and use it. This is an example but it happens in many ways -Mom told me months ago that you can just throw flax seeds into the K-tec in smoothies and they will grind up. I have been using a little coffee grinder to grind them separately and then add them to the smoothie. Now, after a month of still griding seperately after she tells me this, I finally tried her way this morning and it works. Of course down deep I think I knew it would but I had just been so used to my routine I never even tried.

I remember hearing about a woman who used some pot instead of a roasting pan to cook something. The roasting pan was so much easier to use and she owned one but she continued to use this pot because that’s the way her mother always did it.. even though it was so inconvenient.. she was just used to it.

Another thing I found interesting yesterday was when a friend of mine told me about something I said to them that I barely remembered. I had forgotten about the conversation. It's interesting the things we say that stay with others or the things others say that stay with you.

So he told me he was on the Juno nomination committee for the Jazz selections and they couldn’t decide on someone and he remembered this conversation we had & that I told him that the best song to judge an artist was song #4. Apparently I said song #1 is their Hit song, song #2 is the one that defines them as an artist, song #3 is about being taken seriously as an artist, getting everything out technically, often a slow song, but one they consider deep, musician’s music. (or something like that ; ) ..and then song #4 is where you can tell what the artist is really like.. they just throw in whatever by this point. LOL So after they listened to all these songs on a demo tape & couldn’t decide and then listened to this explanation and went to song #4 and instantly made their decision.. and then after that they went straight to song #4 for the rest of the artists. He says the Juno committee have adopted this strategy. I thought that was really funny.

Best question/thought from the 2 days I was away from here: Do you think you can stop time with belief? I had someone just walk up to me & ask this question. It seemed to come out of nowhere. I thought & was not sure.. so I asked I don't know.. do you? He said maybe if there were a few people and the intent was strong - yeah. I think I agree.. a strong intent and a couple people can create miraculous things.

Sinterklaas was very, very fun. I got flattering and very thoughtful poems and notes. I loved this holiday and highly recommend for others to adopt it! I loved the kids putting their shoes in the windowsill to get treats from Sinterklaas, loved the poems and thoughts and the energy of it all. What a great celebration, such a nice way to start off the Christmas season. Thanks those who joined and helped celebrate with me!!!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Wow some cool things here today. #4 is probably correct. Yes we can stop time...just by ourself...and we had a great Sinterklaas...great poems and I will be more prepared next year.
