Friday, December 15, 2006

Marketplace, Christmas parties, raw and drinking

10 days till Christmas. Wow. It’s coming really fast. I have not been used to working and getting ready for Christmas so this is kind of strange.. a bit of a rush.. I am not quite sure yet how it is all going to get done.. but I am going moment by moment and assuring myself that it will all work out.
I am working tomorrow & we are having this great Marketplace for the day.. so I will be able to get a few gifts here for sure. : ) (holiday marketplace link)

Last night I went to the Seagull Christmas party. Seagull is the store where I used to work before I started at Toronto Sprouts. It’s a family run store here in the beaches on Queen E. and I love them all a lot. I feel like part of the family there and I really love their Christmas parties. They are always a lot of fun and there is always a lot of drinking.

I was thinking about drinking and being raw. ..and I think everyone is going to have a different viewpoint-perspective on this one and just like the whole raw lifestyle in general. My take on it is that everyone’s path is going to be different. What works for one may not work for another. While it is helpful to hear others raw journeys and tips, ultimately we all have to find out what works best for ourselves.

What works for me? Generally a glass of wine very occasionally to rarely.. maybe a glass or two socially, at dinner or something once or twice a month. Often not. Generally I prefer not drinking but it depends of the situation, the hospitality and the people I am with. If there is ever a situation where I am going to drink the Seagull Christmas party is it. Last year I was just raw for about ¾ a year, hadn’t drank at all, and I went to that party and drank not only wine but ended up doing about 6 or 7 tequila shooters. What can I say.. I had fun, it was worth it to me.. it was all about hospitality, bonding and in their own special way Love.. and in that situation, that won out for me. Last night I had a couple drinks of wine, cranberry and sparking water and one Goldschlager shooter. I’m a sucker for sparkly things. : )

Another great thing about raw is that if you do drink – it hits you in a good way and with way less of a hang-over. And you can go on little sleep when necessary!

Also, just in case you need this advice over the holiday season - E3Live is the best hangover remedy ever!

Not that I am advising anyone to drink - it's totally toxic. But a great raw thing is that at least your system will get cleaned out quickly afterward.

Have a great day. Live life, enjoy and celebrate each moment. Life is a party.

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