Wednesday, December 13, 2006

2 Dvd's - Eating and Sweet Remedy and Newsworthy link

There are 2 Dvd’s that I was reading about which I am posting about this morning. The 1st one, Eating, I have seen and can recommend. The second one, Sweet Remedy, I haven’t seen yet.
The Eating Dvd is available from

Also from this website there is an interesting page called Newsworthy, which provides links to items of interest that have appeared in the news during the last month.

The Eating DVD is used in wellness clinics throughout the world to motivate people to change their diets and restore their health.

Other topics include:

·Why we have an epidemic of heart disease and cancer.

·Why following federal nutrition guidelines will kill you.

·Why the government promotes foods that shorten lives.

·Why almost everyone has cancer by the time they're fifty - and don't even know it.

·Why our top two nutrition worries should be our last.

·Why doctors treat symptoms of disease, not causes.

·Why our most deadly diseases were rare before 1900.

·Why most school-age children already have heart disease.

·Why there's no difference between white meat and red meat.

·Why Americans are constipated.

·Why American men are impotent.

·Why Americans have weak bones.

·Why politicians are America’s dieticians.

·Why farm animal feces is standard fare in meat today.

·Why our eating habit is like smoking, but more lethal.

·Why the most disturbing death statistic of our time is so little known - and it comes from the Surgeon General.

The Eating DVD also examines the consequences of our eating habit to the environment and animal agriculture.

The Sweet Remedy DVD is available here

In Sweet Remedy, you'll see:

·How the "dumbing down" of the U.S. population is simply a matter of public policy (And why lowering your IQ pleases those in power) ...

· The unsettling "Mr. X" link between aspartame and genetically modified foods ...

· Why children are so much more vulnerable to damage from aspartame, MSG and other excitotoxins (Even through their teenage years) ...

·How the explosion in Syndrome X was already well-documented by experiments in feeding MSG to laboratory animals (And could have been prevented in people) ...

·Four ways to minimize the damage from excitotoxins in your diet ...

·Sneaky little MSG tricks that the big companies pull (So you don't know where they're hiding it) ...

·How a corrupt government flagship regulatory agency has encouraged the addition of numerous toxins to our food supply ...

·The shocking stevia shut-down: this sweet plant can't even be advertised as a sweetener (And wait till you see the Gestapo-like book-destruction ordered by the FDA) ...

·How it's patently false for drug companies to blame the high cost of medications on their research and development costs ...

·Why obesity isn't all about lack of self-control (What they put in products to make you keep buying and eating them) ...

·The secret agenda to push genetic engineering (And some grassroots ways you can make them STOP) ...

· The dangerous truth about food toxins: just because you don't have side effects doesn't mean they're not causing you internal damage ...

·Did they really take the MSG out of baby foods? (The story you haven't been told) ...

·How a child's cartoon-character vitamins nearly killed her (Why haven't you been told about seizures, brain damage and other reactions like this?) ...

· How toxic chemical agents attack the body in layers from the outside in (What happens when they invade the deeper tissues and spinal cord?) ...

· How European consumers started a backlash against genetically modified products (And WON!) ...

·The truth about food labeling (How the word "natural" means nothing -- and "flavoring" is a code word for 'we don't have to tell you what's in it') ...

·Are you taking steroids? (The dangers of hormones in your beef and estrogens in your tap water) ...

· The 'bastardization' of the school lunch program (From its noble goal to where it went wrong) ...

·How eliminating certain food additives, including synthetic dyes and artificial colors, could free up school budgets to provide more needed services and pay teachers for quality education ...

·Why the FDA doesn't normally do their own studies (And why they just accept the results the drug companies provide) ...

·How M.S. victims improve markedly just from eliminating aspartame-sweetened beverages from their diets.

·A native American tribe fights back against diabetes by returning to their desert roots (When they realize that grocery store food is killing them) ...

·The Rumsfeld connection to Big Pharma and the FDA ... 8 reasons to keep your kids off Ritalin (And how it only takes 3-4 weeks for kids to recover naturally from being "difficult")
... and much more

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