Friday, November 10, 2006

Thai wrap, The Real News, fasting one day a week, birthday calculator

I had the most delicious lunch yesterday. I made an adaptation of the Tangy Thai Carrot Salad from the travelling raw blog posted a few days ago.

I would love to say I used a mortar and pestle but I used a Magic Bullet mini blender.. I was rushing again.

I put in it 1/3 c cashews, 1 tomato, 1 clove garlic, 1”ginger, 1T nama shoyu, 1 T agave, juice of ½ a lime and a chili and blended. This is the dressing, it was hot but amazingly good. Pour this over a mixture of:
1 carrot, grated
Meat of 1 coconut, chopped – I used a young green Costa Rican coconut with soft meat, grate the meat if you use the harder meat of a brown coconut.
1 handful (1/2c) bean sprouts
1 bunch cilantro, chopped

I used this mixture and wrapped it up in nori sheets with sunflower sprouts and it was amazing!

Food tastes better when it is shared.
: ) My Mom always wanted to eat with someone, wasn’t big on eating alone. I think this may be part of the reason. There is just something special about eating with others.

Independent World Television is located in the same building as us and is moving from the 3rd floor ro the 2nd.. right over us. Someone came down to introduce themselves and more or less tell us that they will be filming sometimes.. umm.. we play the music pretty loud sometimes. & Hey, we are an event space.. and sometimes our events are loud also.. so we’ll get it all worked out. But check out their site. I think she came more to give me their website than anything..check it out: &

interesting bit on fasting one day a week from a post by mark Jackson on the becomingyounger yahoo e-group:

“I fast on a Wednesday because that is the day on which I was born, and for me it is of special significance. My own personal belief has to do with our day of birth being your sabbath. Your day to rest your temple body from the duties it has to perform. I have many ancient writings to back this up.Many religions have rules and laws about fasting, the Mormons fast once a month, although they do not drink any liquids during the fast, which is not healthy. Catholics for many years were not to eat meat on fridays, a sort of fast. Jews had special rules and special occasions to fast. THe Hindu religion also has purification rites and fasting rituals. Many peoples believe that some sort of fasting is important for either a physical of spiritual reason. When you fast it is imperative that you drink plenty of water. I drink a minimum of a gallon of water a day when I fast. The body needs fluids to flush out the cells and eliminate poisons and toxins.

Even the person with the healthiest and cleanest diet on the planet has need to fast and give his/her temple a rest from performing its functions. I suggest that it becomes easier if you pick a certain day of the week in which to fast, then you get into a routine, and there is not question but that is the day you are going to fast. Those who do strenuous physical labor might want to pick a day in which they are not working, but I have done much strenuous labor during a fast with no problems. As you fast more often it becomes easier and easier, now I do not even think twice about fasting. I do not crave food, and I feel wonderful all day.If you adopt a fasting regimine it will greatly extend your life, and improve your outlook on life as well. I wish you love and peace this day and always, and please create for yourself a beautiful day!!

Find out lots about your birth date here – The Birthday Calculator
This is really interesting! : )

wow. So much info. I didn’t even get to tachyon yet. I wore a tachyon crystal all day yesterday & am getting one. I looked it up last night.. but the info on that is Huge! That’s def a whole day in itself.

Have a great one!

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