Tuesday, November 28, 2006

silver linings, abundant blues, green disaster, links:opening mind, green design, facts about meat, you are the cause!

ok, here’s the deal today. It’s another day of rushing through my blog. I woke up Kaiya at what I thought was an early time, except that she has volleyball pracise and needed to be woken up an hour earlier.. so she dressed and we flew out of the house. I drove her to school.. she was so good about it. I think maybe it’s all her years of tkd practise. She didn’t get upset at me, she was a little stressed but I think if anything upset at herself. I was thinking how incredibly mature it was.. just focusing on what she could do, instead of worrying, laying blame, making excuses etc. As a mom, these little things just make me very proud. & Dylan made salads 3 times last week! wow. : ) lol

I am going to post some links and random information that I have lying around here.. and later when I get a chance to look into them myself, if I find anything really interesting, I’ll elaborate. ..or you can, seeing as this blog now will receive comments and I am all hooked up, receiving e-mails on my blackberry & everything. Maybe I shouldn’t jump the gun before it’s all tested, but I’m pretty excited about my tekkie transformation. ..just keep changing my colors and evolving.. and speaking of evolving.. do you have any idea just how many shades of blue there are? I know a lot about color and seemingly they are all balanced, yk, the color wheel and everything.. but really I am feeling a little skeptical after all my blue clothes shopping this weekend. It was all to match my new crystal. I bought a blue eyeliner and everything! ..but matching blues is another thing, there are azure, cerulean, ultramarine, turquoise, royal, indigo, blueberry, prussian, cobalt, pthalo (one of my favs!), manganese, steel blue, sky blue, navy, violet, denim, ..and , periwinkle. That’s the one I was trying to think of all along, the color of Kaiya’s bedroom ceiling. ah, good memories. : ) & these are just the names of blue off the top of my head, I'm sure there are 100's more.. not to even mention all those romantic blue names..

wow.. what a morning I am having. You should see what just happened. My friend called, I make green smoothies for her & I every morning & so I decided to go make it now & finish this later.. I have this bad habit of filling the container until its way too full.. like fruit is visible over the top.. and I know the K-tec has a habit of sliding on my counter lately.. but I wasn’t paying attention and it slid right off and all over the kitchen floor, one end to the other, and walls and even splashing the edge of the carpet in the living room. Green everywhere. It’s interesting though I find when things like this happen to me, any time there is a stressful situation.. I always get phone calls, esp from people close to me. It’s like they sense some kind of distress, something not right and call. It’s really wonderful to feel that connection. ..and another nice thing is that the boys pulled together and got onto the laundry for me. & my kitchen floor is really clean now. : )

However I have more limited link posting time.. this is going to be random..

The Opening Mind Academy - Dedicated to the Pursuit of Self-Mastery & Spiritual Growth http://openingmind.com/

Green Design! http://www.inhabitat.com/

Facts about meat: http://www.cleanse.net/newsite/articles/facts_about_meat.html

Oh, heres a good one! Roger Haeske’s article – “You Are The Cause Of The Results In Your Life" http://roger-haeske.blogspot.com/2006/10/you-are-cause.html

Have a surprising, exciting and beautiful day covered with silver linings!

pic from http://k41.pbase.com/v3/64/556764/1/48442016.dynamicgridighting.jpg

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