Wednesday, November 01, 2006

halloween chocolatada, the sun, HRM & chocolate fudge

What a great chocolate party last night!

'A chocolate party with music and soul. Bring your drums, bring your guitar and be an active participant. Invite a friend or a special soul for a day of the dead chocolate fiesta unlike any other! ...Come and enjoy the Coffee House, Open Mic and Spontaneous Arts…'

I got in late, but I enjoyed it so much.. was hard to leave. But I have work today & my husband was waiting up for me & that’s life. I am bringing Kaiya to work today with me.. it’s bring your kids to work day today. I think it’ll be fun to have her there helping out & I think she will enjoy it. The party was so much fun.. very bohemian, coffee shop atmosphere & more with lots of drumming and dancing & costumes & chocolate! You bought cacao beans at the door & used them for currency to buy drinks and chocolate. We should do this every Tuesday evening! I thought I might not sleep well, with so much chocolate, E3Live etc. late at night.. but I did, that’s one thing I can really do well is sleep! : )

The sun is coming up.. I can see a bright glow above the tops of the houses. If it stays out, It’s a little overcast, I will be able to sun gaze in about ½ hour. If I was ambitious I could drive down to the beach.. it’s at the bottom of the street, Vic Pk, I could actually walk if I had thought of it a bit earlier. I think I should get into that habit! It’s too bad it’s so cold. Barefoot in the sand while sun gazing.. now there’s the plan!
I have the dvd of HRM which I bought at his lecture that I went to recently. It’s really fascinating. I will write more on sun gazing in a later blog.. almost out of time, have to go get kids up.

more about HRM from
Hira Ratan Manek is a Solar Gazer who is primarily a Breatharian from India. After he retired from career in engineering, then a family shipping business, HRM began to research and study the ancient practice of sun gazing in which he had been interested in since his childhood. This was an old but forgotten method, practiced in ancient times in many different areas of the world. After working on this method for 3 years, he was able to re-discover the secrets of sun gazing. He was mainly inspired from the teachings of Lord Mahavir of Jains, who was also practicing this method two thousand and six hundred years ago. Since 1995, HRM has lived mostly on sunlight and water with occasional meals and drinks, and was under strict observation by multiple scientific and medical teams. The first fast lasted 211 days, the 2nd lasted 411 days, and the third was at both Thomas Jefferson University and University of Pennsylvania for 130 days led by a doctor who featured in the recent movie What the Bleep Do We Know.

his website:

My mom just sent me a recipe

Chocolate Fudge

½ cup Raw Chocolate Powder
½ cup Raw Coconut Butter
½ cup Raw Honey Step 1

Mix all ingredients in a pan. (Warm slightly if necessary)
Step 2 Press into a 5 by 5 inch Tupperware container.
Then chill in the refrigerator and cut and serve. You won't have any leftovers of the fudge once you pull it out.

Optional ingredients to add - just experiment . I love coconut and a few drops of mint!
Seeds,nuts, vanilla, sea salt, mint (or other essential oils), cinnamon, raisins (or other chopped fruit), almond extract, or shredded coconut.

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