Thursday, October 19, 2006


From Roger Haeske’s e-mail "Instant Happiness Manifesto" Oct 13, 2006

** Imagination Science Principles ** is my website that teaches these principles.

"If you focus on your outer world reality, you continually recreate what you see and nothing changes. Instead, youneed to focus on what you want to happen in your life, notwhat you currently see."

* By focusing on "what you want" you naturally change your-actions- as well.

* Thought controls action.

* Thought controls emotion.

* Thoughts attract similar thoughts.

* The thought or image of the thing, is the real thing. (Inspired by Allen Says, "Money and Power")

* Any time you feel fear, anger, doubt or unhappiness youare contracting your energy flow and attracting the very things you don't want to happen into your life.

* Free Thinking: To focus on the goal and never focus on the obstacles.

* What you focus upon magnifies and attracts thoughts of asimilar vibrational level.

* Always focus on what you want and never ever 'worry'about how you'll get it. (This is what holds back 99% of people. If they can't logically figure out how to achieve a goal, they give itup. They apply logical and non-creation thinking. They look at what other people are doing and what the so-called real world is like and therefore stifle their awesome creative powers.)

* Your state of mind must be from 'having' what you want. Any thought of lack will (instantly removes your motivation to take ACTION) attract more lack in your life.

* Never allow any "emotional obstacles" in your thinking, think only of your desire and not of the roadblocks. (Note:you must deal with obstacles all the time, but always focuson the resolution of the obstacle and not on the problems it is causing you. In other words, "don't feel down or upset." This will dramatically increase the speed at whichyou resolve these obstacles.)

* Visualizing your goal will naturally attract you to takethe right actions, think the right thoughts, read the right books and meet the people you need to achieve your goal.

* Visualization or thought creates reality on the higher planes of consciousness.

* Action is the Physical Plane equivalent of imagination or thought.

* We exist in the all the planes of consciousness simultaneously.

* What you want to do every day is to take "Inspired Action" steps towards your goals.

* Never force yourself, take Inspired Action instead.(Concept by Allen Says)

* Start a Miracles Journal. Keep track of all the magical things that happen in your life so you can look back on them in the future and realize that magic really does happen.

* Thinking is frictionless action.

* Turn yourself into a special magnet for whatever you desire. Visualize yourself as this specialized magnet that automatically attracts exactly what you desire to come to you.

* Feel like a kid just about to get his birthday or holiday presents. Feel like this as much as possible and you'll start attracting into your life the very things you desire in the fastest way possible.

* The ultimate goal in life is happiness. Every material thing you can get basically serves the purpose of making you FEEL happy. So why not 'be happy' first, since that is the ultimate goal.

* You can have happiness in every moment of your life ifyou just remember to focus on what you want and not let anything contract your energy.

* Even if you don't have all that you want (and you never will by the way) by just focusing on it (mentally having it) will instantly make you happy.

* Think from satisfaction. (Neville Goddard "Awakened Imagination")

* A daily spiritual exercise is like a multi-vitamin for the Soul. (John Harricharan "The Power Pause.")

* We can all be Happiness Billionaires starting from this very moment.

* To be happy - Think from your goal, not of your goal.

* Claim your desire as yours, in your imagination.

* Change your "magnetic point of attraction" (your habitual thoughts) and you change your future results. (concept from Dr. Robert Anthony, "Beyond Positive Thinking")

* We have a constant pattern of thoughts. If you consistently change the majority of those thoughts your outer world results will eventually match those new thoughts.

* The new thoughts however, "instantly change how you feel"and instantly change your inner world reality. People will be able to feel your new energy immediately. Even if they aren't consciously aware of it.

I hope you found these thoughts useful.
I believe I can boil all that down to a simple eleven word formula.

*** Focus only on what you want and then take inspired action. ***

from Frederic Patenaude’s e-mail:

Do what makes you happy

Alright, but what if you don't know what you love, what you're supposed to do?

What I have discovered is that it's not necessary to know exactly where you're going to end up in 10, 5, or even 3 years. What you need is a direction to go to and then, adjust accordingly.
Start drawing the picture of where you want to be in 5 years; but don't worry if you're not sure, exactly. Start getting the feeling out. Give your life a direction. Then, aim for what you can accomplish in the next 3 months. And act every day to make it happen.

The process of discovering what you love and what you're meant to do is something I will be teaching at some point next year in my course, “Do What You Love University." But something I'd like to share now is that it's really about doing what makes you happy.

I'm not talking about just finding out what you should be doing in life, but also what makes you happy, now. What enables you to radiate positive energy? Because it's that energy that will power everything else you do in life.

What music makes you want to jump? What makes you smile? Whom do you like to be around, because he/she makes you feel so good? Where do you love to walk? What makes you happy? I want to know what makes you passionate about life!

The more you can generate positive feelings inside you, the more you'll be able to attract to you the things that you want, like a magnet at the right charge.

Another Secret
One last thing before I let you go.

There's another thing I have found to be absolutely necessary to experience true success:

You have to be willing to take the calculated risk.

Everybody wants to be reassured that they can live a risk-free life, but we both know that it's basically an illusion.

Look at all successful people. I mean really successful people. Do you think they were able to get to where they are without risking something and putting their lives on the line? Most are actually stories of overcoming obstacle after obstacle and not letting anything stand behind who they were and what they wanted. (If you want to read an amazing, inspirational book, I highly recommend you pick out the book Unstoppable by Cynthia Kersey.)

Don't fool yourself into thinking that you can accomplish great things for yourself, without risking something. It's almost like the Universe realizes that once you risk something, you're serious about it. If you're staying inside of your comfort zone and reality, then it doesn't show much commitment on your part.

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