Thursday, October 12, 2006

Bets Being list, Best Travel list & sudokus

I tried to get on to post this morning ..but the page to do so wouldn’t load.. I wanted to tell about 2 lists that were on my mind.. I have lots of lists, to do lists, grocery lists, home lists, work lists, blog topic lists lol .. but these 2 were really good ones & maybe it was a good thing I couldn’t get here earlier because they stayed on my mind even more so.. especially the 1st one. I kept thinking about it.

List #1 is one that my friend Paul had with him awhile back.. he pulled it out of his pocket & read it off to me and I thought it was such a good list that I wrote it down. Then it got buried in a pile of papers and just got uncovered this morning. So now it is my list for today, is:







(such a good list.. what a great combination! : )

The second list is from an article I read in the Metro yesterday on the way home from work. I often grab the Metro in the morning mainly because they have the easiest Sudoku puzzles. You always get it done by the end of the trip, in my case; Vic Park to Bathurst.
Sudokus are the best if you want time to just disappear.. though that’s not really the case with me, so much to do! ..but they’re also addictive. : ) and you can print out puzzles here.

List #2 is by Julia Dimon, the Road Warrior of
She has visited 29 countries in the past 12 months and gives a few of her favs.. I am selecting certain ones that appealed to me.. the article might be avail at the website..

Best kept secret: Hvar, a Croatian island in the Adriatic Sea, has the elegance of Italy without the price or pretention.

Best ancient wonder: Petra’s Treasury, in Jordan, a façade cut into rose-coloured sandstone.

Best indigenous people: painted head to toe in red ochre paste, the topless women of Nambia’s Himba tribe are very photogenic.

Best weird feeling: floating in the salty water of the Dead Sea.

Best beach: Kendwa, on the north-eastern tip of Zanzibar island – magical vibe, perfect palm trees.

Best travel value: India & Thailand – cheap!

Best refuge from the world: Tofu beach in Mozambique. Eat fresh mangos all day and snorkel with manta rays in the Indian Ocean.

Best landscape: Cappadocia, Turkey, has some of the most unusual terrain, with phallic rocks and underground caves.

Best hidden gem: Jordan, often overlooked – has incredible Roman ruins, Bedoin culture in the deserts of Wadi Rum, nightlife in Amman and world-class scuba in the Red Sea.

Best spiritual spot: Jerusalem, the holy hot-spot for all monotheistic religions, is undeniably magical.

Best safari: Serengeti National Park. (just learned the hippo kills the most humans.)

Best city for shopping: Hong Kong is a shopping mecca.

Best life-changing experience: visiting the genocide memorials in Rwanda.

Best place to live: Canada.

How can you not love an article with an ending like that? : )

Have a spectacular.. generous, kind, honest, self-respecting, tenacious and vivacious day!

Pic from:

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