Sunday, September 10, 2006

Montevideo imagination moments, garden family, couscous, Dorit's workshop and the Raw Celebration

Am in Montevideo.. having a great day.. danced & swayed.. coconuts & bananas.. drums & horns.. goji & cacao.. and lots of great people, high vibrations .. a PurpleChocolateJesus bar. Talking krishnamurti & tolle.. watching ducks with a long-time, new-found soul friend.. every moment is better than the last.. and I have to come home tomorrow.. to a durian for breakfast ..a gift from a friend who I barely know yet & appreciate so much.. and I am really excited about it.. cause I told you the story about my Mom’s & my Christmas durian right?

"I am imagination. I can see what the eyes cannot see. I can hear what the ears cannot hear. I can feel what the heart cannot feel." Peter Nivio Zarlenga

"The important thing is to be able at any moment to sacrifice what we are for what we could become." (Charles du Bois)

The Personality is a Case of Mistaken Identity! (tree of life e-mail)

A huge thank you to Erika for the best green coconut ever!

Erika has a raw workshop coming up a week from tomorrow.. and she is hosting Brian Clement’s lecture next Sunday, which is almost sold-out.. see more at her website:

"A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" -Lao-Tzu

Jinjee & Storm have over 300 people joining them on a 7 Day Raw Journey starting tomorrow. More info at their website

Recipe from Raven ..from Jinjees daily raw inspiration letter:

Raven just invented a new kind of couscous! Cut up some cauliflower and pulse it in the food processor down to couscous sized bits (about half the size of a grain of rice). Now you have a base that is a lot like rice, or almost exactly like couscous, and that you can flavor the way you would a rice dish. We put olive oil, garlic, salt, paprika, leeks and thinly sliced celery on it. Delicious!! And there are a thousand different ways to vary this dish! Small food processors are available at any home store for as little as $35 and can make your raw vegan lifestyle a lot easier - and more tasty too!
Enjoy! Jinjee

Pic of Storm, raw bodybuilder in his late 50’s with Jinjee, his wife, their 4 children: Raven, Jome, Shale and Adagio –such a beautiful raw family and Dorit Dyke who was with us this afternoon @ the veg food fair. ..and who will be back at the end of the month to present a workshop.

Friday September 29 2006.
Full day workshop @ The Toronto Sprout Corp., 720 Bathurst.
The Sacred Art of Eating Workshops with Dorit

For most of us, eating is something we believe we do. However, in this new workshop, Dorit, author of "Celebrating Our Raw Nature" and Certified Organic, Vegan, Living Foods ,Chef and Chopra Centre Educator asserts that we do not do know how to eat. Through a series of exercises practiced during the course of the workshops and at Retreats, Dorit teaches that the process of eating is a very sacred ritual and that true eating begins way before the first morsel of food enters the mouth. This Lifeskills Coach who is a student of many ancient philosophies and traditions , believes that mastication is a lost art form and that we now shovel precious morsels of food in our mouths and immediately down our throats in order to "stuff" whatever we are feeling or experiencing at the time. Participants in the workshops learn how to use colours and decor as well as artistically pleasing/environmentally safe table settings and organic living foods to bring the sense of calm, comfort and connection with self that we so anxiously yearn for. Those who already experienced these workshops found that lifelong battles with excess weight as well as various conflicts with food and anxiety around meal times are not only relieved but that their entire relationship with food has changed.

The amazing and life changing film "The Secret" will be shown towards the end of the day.
Time: 10:00am to 5:00pm
Cost: $65 Can

Saturday September 30 2006
Raw Celebration at The Toronto Sprout Corp
(The Party! ; )
Time: 5pm- runs late
Investment $15 Can
Using Raw, Living Foods to create Serenity in our lives
This talk is geared to those suffering Chronic depression, Candida(Yeast Infections), allergies, Asthma and obesity, arthritis and other food related ailments .
ENTERTAINMENT AND EDUCATION Film followed by a discussion group, music, fun and games and raw, vegan, living foods With Dorit, Marie Larsson and a host of other Raw Vegan luminaries.
Sponsors: Visions E-3 Live, Erika Wolff, Ruth's Hemp, Forever Healthy, Ocean Grown, Advanced Tachyon, Gabriella Garosz, Organics on Bloor, The Yoga Sanctuary
Special Features: Bartec and Agnes will be giving Salsa dance lessons

The film is "The Future of Foods", by Deborha Koons Garcia or "Eating" by Mike Anderson

Dorit can be heard now on rawveganradioepisode #18:
it's great.. just listened to it.

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