Friday, September 01, 2006

Mercola – The Great Bird Flu Hoax, salt, amygdala, jeopardy questions

Happy Birthday Mom!!!
I just picked this for you! : )

I have been so busy lately.. didn’t even make it close to the computer yesterday. & I am rushing again today.. going to send a few great Mercola articles I have copied & make sure to check out his new book coming out.. The Great Bird Flu Hoax -

Also info on the amygdala, which is the one thing I took time to look up this morning.
(my homework last night was tocotrienols – this is after taking 8 girls to the Mandarin! Ah, I think I am on information overload.. but I read it all & will tell about it later..)
I have to go call my mom now! Have a great day!!! ~HuGs~ to everyone reading : )

Bayer Sells AIDS-Infected Drug Banned in U.S. in Europe, Asia

15 Ways the Auto Industry Would Change if it Operated Like Drug Companies

The Hidden Poison Lurking on Your Kitchen Table - The 13 Amazing Health Benefits of Himalayan Crystal Salt, the Purest Salt on Earth (and Why You Want to Avoid Conventional Salt Like the Plague)

more info on salt.. it’s really important stuff!
Salts that Heal and Salts that Kill- Unrefined Ocean Sea Salt versus Refined Salt - Table Salt

p.s. The 2 best salts that most raw foodists & other very health conscious people use are Celtic & Himalayan, it’s a toss up which one is better. I use Celtic, mainly because it’s more readily available.

amygdala (uh mig' dull uh)

- It is a set of subcortical nuclei that is important for perceiving in others and having in oneself emotional or affective behaviors and feelings (e.g. fear, anger).

- The amygdala is both large and just beneath the surface of the front, medial part of the temporal lobe where it causes the bulge on the surface called the uncus.

- It got its name from its shape - like an 'almond'.

The amygdala is a brain structure that is essential for decoding emotions, and in particular stimuli that are threatening to the organism. As a result of evolution, many of our body’s alarm circuits are grouped together in the amygdala. These many sensory inputs converge in the amygdala to inform it of potential dangers in its environment.

We now know that the brain comprises several different kinds of memory. The hippocampus and the cortex make explicit, conscious memories possible. For its part, the amygdala enables one of the forms of implicit memory: emotional memories associated with fear.
Various aspects of an especially emotional situation such as a car accident will therefore be processed both by the hippocampus and by the amygdala, working in parallel. Thanks to the hippocampus, you will remember whom you were with, what you did, and the fact that it was a particularly painful situation. However, it is because of the amygdala that when you remember the event, your palms will sweat, your heart will race, and your muscles will tense.

More on the hippocampus: Suppose you are walking down the street when an unsavoury-looking character suddenly assaults you. A few days later, someone starts running toward you, and your heart begins to pound. The person runs past you without touching you, and you start to calm down. It turns out they were just running to catch a bus.
A few weeks after that, you pass by the place where you actually were attacked, and you feel sick. This time no one is running toward you. The conditioned stimulus is not present, but the situation reveals a common phenomenon, in which certain elements of the context have also been conditioned by the traumatic event. This phenomenon implies the involvement of the hippocampus.

If researchers condition a rat to fear a certain sound, and then surgically remove the rat’s auditory cortex, the rat will no longer be able to distinguish that sound. A human with equivalent damage would be considered deaf. Yet the rat, once recovered from its operation and to all appearances deaf, still shows fear reactions when the sound is made in its presence. The rat thus still seems to register the sound in its thalamus and amygdala, which suffices to trigger the fear reaction.

Bonus Link: Every Jeopardy question ever!

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