Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Judith, Great Canadian women, life, 16th c. Herb & Flower Salad

Yesterday @ 3:11 was exactly 1 year from when Judith passed away..

I was just reading Randy’s website about how he was feeling. It’s been a tough year for him. I remember also the minutes before she died, it’s true she was gone & it was just her physical body dying..

I hope her positive spirit inspires you, Randy, to move forward, be proactive, creative, as you are.. I like the direction you are going with the video/recording studio – retreat.. well, I just made that up. But it has so much potential – as you do & music, creativity, design are all your strengths. It sounds exciting & fun, as life is supposed to be.. I am convinced of that.

“Life is either a teacher or trickster, so pick your side and go with it”

Judith memoriam: http://www.aubergine-spa.com/en/welcome.php

Elizabeth Who?: http://www.collectionscanada.ca/women/002026-411-e.html
(Judith also ran for the Green Party)

“I'm currently following the interesting Leadership Convention for the Green Party of Canada - here in Outaways on this Weds-Sun. With luck Elizabeth May will be elected the new leader. I even joined the party - yow, never done that before - we'll have to see... Elizabeth is five star excellent, and I hope she does become the party leader, because if she does, I believe she will be elected into the Commons, will be the first Green Party MP in Canada, and finally there will be a strong voice for the environment in parliament. At the very least, she will get the Greens allowed onto the television election debates, and the environment might, just might finally get more attention in Canada. - we'll see..." - from a friends e-mail ; )

More great Canadian women? Emily Carr, Roberta Bondar, Senator Anne Cools, Nellie McClung, Sarah McLachlan, Lucy Maud Montgomery, Mary Maxwell, Joni Mitchell, Louise Arbour, Naomi Bronstein.. and thousands of other known & unknown women.

Bsxlntsur! (be as excellent as you are!)

"Where there is love there is life." Mahatma Gandhi

The following comes from The Raw Family newsletter August 2006 - http://www.rawfamily.com/

Excerpted from “What is life” by Victoria Boutenko

I can see life pouring from people's eyes. They say that eyes are the windows of the soul. Why do we feel certain discomfortwhile looking into another person's eyes? I can take a doll and look into its eyes for hours and I won't feel any discomfort whatsoever.But when I look into people's eyes I definitely experience a sensation, which can sometimes be dramatic. I know that I can sense alot with my eyes. For example, I can tell if the person is looking at me or not from a remote distance, like the other side of a soccerfield. Many times I have wondered, how could I tell? The pupils of the human eye are as tiny as letters in a book. While I cannot read a bookfrom the other side of a soccer field, I can tell for sure if my friend is looking at me because I can feel the connection with this person through our eyes. Awareness of this magnificent power in me, called life, fills me with joy and appreciation.There is life in every single cell of our body and maybe even beyond our body. Once, my husband and I participated in a healthexpo in Canada. Soon after our arrival we discovered a Kirlian photography* booth that offered whole body pictures taken with a special camera. Both Igor and I ordered such pictures. We were amazed to discover that our energy on those pictures appeared to be a lot bigger than our physical bodies and it looked as an oval-shaped cloud. After spending two long hard-working days at that expo, each one of us took a second picture from the same photographer. This time we were disappointed because our energy clouds looked a lot smaller and were not evenly shaped. From that experience I concluded that our life energy is constantly changing depending on our actions and theconditions we live in.


From the book The Good Huswifes Jewell by Thomas Dawson, 1596

Take your hearbes and picke them very fine into faire water, and picke your flowers by themselves, and wash them all cleane, and swing them in a strainer, and when you put them into a dish, mingle them withCowcumbers or Lemmans payred and sliced, and scrape Suger, and put into vineger and Oyle, and throw the flowers on the top of the Sallet,and of every sorte of the aforesaid thinges, and garnish the dishabout with the foresaide thinges, and hard Egges boyled and laid aboutthe dish and upon the Sallet.

Victoria's Version:

1 small head of butter lettuce
1 cup watercress
1/4 cup fresh mint leaves
1/4 cup fresh tarragon leaves
1/2 cup flower petals (you can use roses, primroses, nasturtiums,chive blossoms, violets, or calendulas, but be sure they haven't beensprayed with insecticides)
1 cucumber, pared and sliced
2 handful crushed walnuts
4 Tbsp olive oil
3 Tbsp white wine vinegar
1/2 tsp sea salt (optional)
1/8 tsp pepper
1/2 cup raisins

Wash the lettuce, watercress, and herb leaves in cold water and pat dry or use a salad spinner; Rinse the flower petals in a bowl of cold water and gently pat dry; Tear the lettuce into bite size pieces and combine with the watercress and herb leaves. Add the cucumber slices and toss to mix. Blend together the oil, vinegar, salt, pepper, and raisins until smooth. Add dressing to the salad and toss. Gently mix in the flower petals (reserving a few to garnish the salad with). Top the salad with the walnuts and garnish with the reserved flower petals.
Enjoy the spirit of the 16th century!

pic of Judith - July 1990

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