Monday, September 28, 2009

Omid Jaffari - Raw workshop

I am just getting pictures up from the Raw class I took a few weeks ago. I didn't bring my camera but a lady I met there sent me these pics.

Omid Jaffari of Tried.Tasted.Served and - gave a workshop - Al Fresco Summer Raw Class Tour, which toured LA, NY, Toronto and Montreal.

We made: Endive Canapes, Pea Fennel and Mint Summer Soup, Strawberry Granita, Beet Carpacio (which was probably my fav - I have made it here at home since) and Matured Peach and Dark Chocolate Kiss ..which was also delicious. In fact, everything was!!

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Pad Thai

My Mom just told me that I haven´t posted enough ´raw food posts´lately. ..& that's true! The reason is mainly that I am creating new recipes for Raw Bistro, which are being kept in the vault ..for now : ) ..and to be honest, at home I am eating very simply. I have a few bottles of salad dressings I made in the fridge. I buy lots of lettuce and live primarily off green smoothies and salads. I have a batch of crackers made, some easy nut cheese in the fridge, lots of tomatoes, olives.. last week I made a nut meat and wrapped it up in big lettuce leaves with guacamole, salsa.. and of course I have left overs of the new foods we are creating.

One of which is what I think of as a grown up, more alluring version of one of my favorite previous recipes. Pad Thai! This recipe is very similar to traditional pad thais, creamy and delicious.

One of the most essential flavors in a Pad Thai is the tamarind, which has an incredible sweet, sour, incredibly complex flavor. Blocks of tamarind can be found in most Asian and Indian grocery stores. ..and its easy to use once you get used to it. just break off a piece, soak it in water and squish it in your hand, strain through a metal sieve/strainer and throw away the stones and stringy parts. The part that gets strained is the tamarind paste that you use.

Pad Thai

1 Green Zucchini – spiralized
1 Yellow Zucchini – spiralized
1 Carrot – angelhair spiralized
½ Red Pepper – julienned
6-8 leaves Nappa Cabbage – thinly sliced
¼ c Cilantro leaves – chopped
Optional – 1 package Kelp noodles – soaked in warm water to soften, rinsed and drained

1 c Cashews
2 T Almond butter
1 Tomato
¼ c Tamarind sauce
3 Medjool Dates
2 T Nama shoyu
2 T Olive oil
1 T Sesame oil
1 Lime – juiced
1 Garlic clove
1 t Salt
½ t Black pepper
½ t Sambal Oelek
¼ t Coriander seed

Topping and Garnish:
¼ c Cashews – coarsely chopped
½ t Sesame oil and Salt
2 Green Onions – sliced diagonally
2 T Red Pepper – diced small
Sesame Seeds
Cilantro leaves

Place vegetables, and softened noodles if using, in a bowl.
Prepare topping, mix chopped cashews with sesame oil and salt together in a small bowl and set aside until ready to serve.
Make Pad Thai sauce by blending all sauce ingredients in a blender until smooth and creamy. Mix sauce with vegetables and noodles. To serve garnish with cashews, green onions, red pepper and sesame seeds and cilantro leaves on top.

Disfrutalo! Bien Aproveche y Salud!!
(To your health and Enjoy your Meal!)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Saying of the enlightened master Huang Po

"Never mistake outward appearances for reality"

"This pure Mind, the source of everything, shines forever and on all with the brilliance of its own perfection. But the people of the world do not awake to it, regarding only that which sees, hears, feels and knows as mind.... If they would only eliminate all conceptual thought in a flash, that source-substance would manifest itself like a sun.... "

"That which is called the Place of Precious Things is the real Mind, the original Buddha-Essence, the treasure of our own real Nature.... Where is the Place of Precious Things? It is a place to which no directions can be given.... All we can say is that it is close by."

Monday, September 21, 2009

Tea with Jan at Rawlicious

A few days ago I went to Rawlicious to meet my friend Jan.. she's a rawfoodist who lives (with her husband Dave) here in Toronto half the year and on a boat in the Bahamas the other half. Cool life!! They do a lot of sprouting on the boat.. Jan just finished a 92 day juice feast - with no fruit!!! Wow! She was writing a blog, which I posted a link to before.. and will again if she decides to resume writing.

Rawlicious was awesome - of course!!! Such a treat eating there again.. and being on the other side of the table. Life is fun.. sometimes I feel like I'm playng.. can I be the cashier now??
whoa, just having a moment.. Mmm.. the pizza was amazing!

..and so was Jan's Mocha Cheesecake - Incredible!!! : ) & of course Beautiful Foolishness tea - Whenever I smell that I think of Rawlicious.. its the most popular one there. Mmmm. zenning in the zen den!!

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Getting Back to Zero - Ho'oponopono

Listening to an interview with Dr Hew Len on Ho'oponopono - the following is adapted from here - 3rd link down:

The whole cosmos including the mind is run by intimation. Its whole purpose is to be at Zero.

the mind runs everything
and its just intimation

Let Go. Do my cleaning:
I love you, I'm sorry, Please forgive me, Thank you.

Cleaning things I am not even conscious of.
The purpose of my existance - the whole object is to be at Zero
Thats where information is going to come ..inspiration, enlightenment.. it won't come without being at Zero first

Repentance, forgiveness, transmutation
Let divinity come clean us - be at Zero - Praying, in terms of Letting Go, so we can.

He (Dr. Len) didn't heal anyone - he looked within himself. If he experienced a person abusive, sick - What's going on in him that he experiences it?

What data, what experiences, memories, programs are running in me that I am having these experiences.

Say I am sorry for what is going on in me.

"Ho'oponopono is about appealing through the superconscious to Divine or Infinite and saying I am sorry about what is going on in me and I wish to make amends and then allowing, letting Divine source which created you and can erase you. Suffuse the nothingness or void with enlightenment or perfect intimation for living"

What we have to realize is that we are clueless. We have no idea what is gong on.
We need to let go, get to Zero state and divinity can give me what is perfect and right for me ..and perfect and right for everyone else.

Other people will be fine as long as I am fine.
Peace begins with me
A long as I am at Peace - everyone else will be fine.

Most of the time we are stuck in informaton that is replaying from the past.

"For each second the conscious mind is aware of 15 bits of information, the subconscious is yet millions and millions" from Tor Norretranders - User Illusion

The cause of all our problems are memories, which are stored in the subconscious
.and when they play we have heart attacks, anxiety attacks..

Do we want to let go of all that data?
I'm sorry, I Love you, Please forgive me, Thank you! ..lets you let go.

Most of the time we are living dead - not really living.
Ho'oponopono lets us let go.

Divinity infuses the Zero with Enlightenment, Perfect ideas.

Just keep cleaning and you will be free.

Always try to be at Peace with yourself.